About College & Hospital
The SJM Vidyapeetha started Basaveshwara Medical College in the backward district Chitradurga, to reach the medical education to the un reached in particular and the development of this backward region in general, in the year 2001-02.
Today it is a full-fledged college with required physical and human infrastructure as required by the Medical Council of India and Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. The Hospital, including the urban and rural health centres, is developed not merely with an intension to provide teaching material to students but also with the social commitment of providing health care to the common folk of the district. It is the only medical college functioning in the entire district. Students from all parts of the country are undergoing medical education imparted on spiritual and moral base.
The college has well designed building for teaching, administration and hospital purposes. It has a rich logistic infrastructure to ensure best teaching and learning environment. Indoor and out door sports buildings are provided to keep the students and staff physically fit. Hospital is made to function as required according to the norms of Medical Council of India and Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. No stone is left unturned to recruit and motivate the teaching and non teaching faculty both at college and in the hospital.
The College is Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Bangalore and Recognised by Medical Council of India, New Delhi. It is also a Member of Comed.K Group.

Lecture Theatres
There are four main lecture halls in the college and one in the hospital of gallery type with air condition and latest audio visual aids and E-class facility. In addition there are department wise seminar halls & demonstration rooms with audio visual equipments to train the students better.

Examination Hall
There is a separate Examination Hall which can accommodate 250 students with Close Circuit Cameras and Internet, Photocopy facility to conduct online examination as per Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences norms.

Operation Theatre
OT Complex is attached to department casualty and intensive care units and contains ten operation theatres which are will fitted with all necessary modern equipments. Intensive Care Unit is known for its path breaking work and well supported laboratory which is a functioning one in this..

Blood Bank
Blood is the life line for patients. The Blood bank has been started in the hospital and has been functioning well with experienced staff. Necessary permissions are obtained for the Whole Blood Transfusion. It is properly equipped to conduct very important and modern blood tests, blood transfusion facility will be available in the center.

Basaveshwara Hospital
Basaveshwara Medical College Hospital is a mammoth structure with a strength of 500 beds located at NH-4 it is not a just one in ten hospitals, it has set a self example with regard to community health and services specially for the poor and deprived, it is well equipped to provide an excellent teaching material to the students to enrich their excellence. It is indeed amazing to observe that this modern hospital caters to poorest sections of society without discrimination offers General Ward beds at free of cost to the needy.

All basic departments have modern museums flooded with rare specimens, charts, posters of interesting cases, scientist’s photos with details and other useful information. Anatomy Museum with 300 wet specimens & 800 dry specimens with update notes is unique one. Pathology museum alone has more than 810 specimens in addition to hundreds of unique models. It is virtually heading towards ibecoming one of the best museums in medical colleges of the Karnataka State.

Eye Bank
Basaveshwara Punarjyothi Eye Bank is the first one to be started in Chitradurga District though the eye banking system was perceived in India about 56 years ago. This eye bank is functioning in the hospital with the help of voluntary organizations. So far number of procurements are made and have been sent to Minto Hospital, Bangalore for implantation and soon our hospital will start its own Implanting centre.

Library & Information Centre
The Central Library provides referencing and information services throughout the year and supports students in their academic development and offer effective search strategies. It has a worth collection of reference books of recent editions, national and international journals, magazines, medical and health sciences literature, video cassettes and CD ROMs. The library also provides Electronic both online (HELINET) and offline resources.