
About Department
Knowledge of Biochemistry is essential to all the branches of medicine. Biochemical approaches have illuminated many aspects of health and disease. Health depends on a harmonious balance of biochemical reactions occurring in the body and disease reflects abnormalities in bio molecules, biochemical process and reactions. In our medical college, biochemistry department caters to the needs of students by involving in teaching activities, while in the hospital the clinical biochemistry department performs the laboratory investigations to serve the needs of patients for correct diagnosis. The department of Biochemistry possesses excellent infrastructure. Dedicated full time teaching faculty is a mixture of experienced and young enthusiastic teachers. Besides teaching and diagnostic work, the faculty is actively involved in research projects in the fields of current clinical interests.
Undergraduate course M.B.B.S., started in the year 2000 and Postgraduate course M.D, Biochemistry started in the year 2012. The department has excellent teaching faculty for both UG and PG. The students and staff are encouraged and guided to conduct regularly research activity. Shared research interests are cultivated by presentations, seminars, regular scientific conferences and interdepartmental research units. The department has an excellent state of art clinical biochemistry laboratory with qualified biochemists and skilled technicians to cater the laboratory needs of patient.
Dr. Vickram. Professor
1. Divya Dattaprasad, Vickram2, Kashinath Rattihalli Thirumalarao3, Insulin -like action of thio propanol disulfide in isolated alloxan diabetic rat liver. Journal of evidence based medicine and healthcare, J Evid. Based Med. Health Care., pISSN-2349-2562, eISSN-2349-2570/Vol.6/Issue 8/Feb.25, 2019, Pg No 585, Index in Index Copernicus, IP Indexing. DOAJ
2. Divya Dattaprasad, Vickram, Kashinath Rattihalli Effect of Diallyl Disulfide on liver lipid Alterations in experimentally Induced Hepatoma in Mice, Thirumalarao3Journal of evidence based medicine and healthcare, J Evid. Based Med. Health Care., pISSN-2349-2562, eISSN-2349-2570/Vol.6/Issue 3/Jan.21, 2019, Pg No 150, Index in Index Copernicus, IP Indexing DOAJ
3. Vickram1, Divya Dattaprasad 2, Kashinath Rattihalli Thirumalarao3,Effect of Thiopropanal on Amino Acid Turnover and Redox Status in alloxan Diabetic Rat Liver, Journal of evidence based medicine and healthcare, J Evid. Based Med. Health Care., pISSN-2349-2562, eISSN-2349-2570/Vol.3/Issue 60/July .28, 2016, Pg No 3248, Index in Index Copernicus, IP Indexing DOAJ
4. Vijay Venkataiah1, Vickram2, Kashinath Rattihalli Thirumalarao3, Veenagajanaraiker4, Sandhyahanumanthappaputtaswamy5.Effects of Diaceto-Dipropyl-Disulphide on Plasma Sialic Acid and Renal Tissue Thiol Levels in Alloxan Diabetic Rats. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Jun, Vol-10(6): BF06-BF08 Pubmed
Dr. Basavaraj V Savadi
1. Basavaraj Savadi1, Archana H B2* Duration of type 2 diabetes mellitus as a threat indicator for the microalbuminuria; A signal for diabetic nephropathy. MedPulse International Journal of Biochemistry, Print ISSN: 2550-763X, Online ISSN: 2636-4573, Volume 6, Issue 3, June 2018 pp 27-30. Index in Index Copernicus,
2. Basavaraj v Savadi, Nagalakshmi C.S2, Prashant G3, Rashmi BM4, Ganashree CP5, Veluri Ganesh6 Correlation Between Erythrocyte Malondialdehye Levels and Dyslipidemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus., National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | 2018 Index in Index Copernicus,
3. Basavaraj Savadi1, Nagalakshmi CS2,*, PrashanthG.3, Ganashree CP.4, Rashmi BM. Association of serum adiponectin levels with albuminuria among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research, April-June, 2018;5(2):196-200. Index in Index Copernicus, IP Indexing
Dr. Asfiya Afreen
1. Asfia Afreen1,*, Dinesh Javarappa2. Biochemical markers for early senescence of erythrocyte membrane in type 2 diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research, July-September, 2018;5(3):445-448Index in Index Copernicus, IP Indexing
2. Asfia Afreen1,*, Dinesh Javarappa2, Itagappa M3.Comparative study of oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes mellitus with in vitro oxidative stress using ferrous ascorbate as pro-oxidant International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research, October-December, 2018;5(4):551-554. Index in Index Copernicus, IP Indexing
Dr. Divya D
1. Divya Dattaprasad, Vickram2, Kashinath Rattihalli Thirumalarao3, Insulin -like action of thio propanol disulfide in isolated alloxan diabetic rat liver. Journal of Evidence Based medicine and Health Care, J Evid. Based Med. Health Care., pISSN-2349-2562, eISSN-2349-2570/Vol.6/Issue8/Feb.25.2019 Page No 585. Index in Index Copernicus, IP Indexing DOAJ
2. Divya Dattaprasad, Vickram2, Kashinath Rattihalli Thirumalarao3. Effect of Diallyl Disulfide on liver lipid Alterations in experimentally Induced Hepatoma in Mice, Journal of evidence based medicine and healthcare, J Evid. Based Med. Health Care., pISSN-2349-2562, eISSN-2349-2570/Vol.6/Issue 3/Jan.21, 2019, Pg No 150, Index in Index Copernicus, IP Indexing DOAJ
3. Vickram1, Divya Dattaprasad 2, Kashinath Rattihalli Thirumalarao3, Effect of Thiopropanal on Amino Acid Turnover and Redox Status in alloxan Diabetic Rat Liver, Journal of evidence based medicine and healthcare, J Evid. Based Med. Health Care., pISSN-2349-2562, eISSN-2349-2570/Vol.3/Issue 60/July .28, 2016, Pg No 3248, Index in Index Copernicus, IP Indexing DOAJ
Facilities in Biochemistry department
Undergraduate practical laboratory
Central Research Laboratory
Departmental library with more than 100 books
Well-equipped Research Laboratory
Diagnostic Laboratory
Clinical biochemistry lab is situated in the Hospital building with 24X7 stat lab facilities with state-of-the-art infrastructure. It was started in September 2003. At present this laboratory processes 750 samples with around 3000 investigations every day. The Lab is committed to providing a high quality and efficient service to its users.
The Lab is equipped with the following instruments
Fully automated chemistry analyzers – Orthoclinical diagnostics VITROS 4600
Dry chemistry fully automated analyzer – VITROS 250
Roche diagnostics- Cobas e411analyzer(Chemiluminescence method)- Hormonal assays
Fully Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyser- TRANAIAS-EM360
Fully automated HbA1c analyzer (HPLC method) – Biorad D10
Seimens – ABG analyser- IL
Immunoassays analyser
Electrolyte analyser- Roche AVL9180
Special investigations like
screening for IEM, gene analysis, double & triple marker tests with pre eclampsia screening during pregnancy is done in association with Anand diagnostics laboratory Bangalore
Tumor markers
Vitamin profile
Cardiac biomarkers
Infertility profile
Serum protein Electrophoresis, Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (semi-automated Helena electrophoresis equipment), stone analysis is also performed.
The Lab has also installed the LIS software (Laboratory Information System) through which the specimens are bar-coded, tested and the results are automatically sent online from Lab to OPDs, wards and to end users. This speeds up the test reporting and also minimizes transcriptional errors.
Teaching Program
Department is well equipped with demonstration room and practical hall, departmental Library with 189 books, well equipped research laboratory and seminar room with audio visual aids.
1. Undergraduate
Medical – Classes, seminars, tutorials, tests are conducted regularly. Early clinical exposure (ECE), AETCOM, SDL, Feedback sessions are also planned and conducted effectively for the benefit of students. All the components of Competency based Medical Education prescribed by Graduate medical regulations 2019 have been incorporated into the new curriculum. Proper care of pupils is taken through the teacher guide programmes.
Department is also involved in training of undergraduate students of Dental, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Allied Health Sciences.
2. Post-graduate
01 PG seat have been allotted by MCI from the year 2012. We have adequate infrastructure to train the PGs in various techniques like, Electrophoresis, Chromatography (HPLC from schimatzu), Blotting technique, Cell and tissue culture. We Train PGs in the laboratory skills by posting them in clinical laboratory, clinical postings in various department have been scheduled for refinement of the knowledge of the postgraduate.
Prospective study of the duration of respiratory viral shedding by RT-PCR in covid-19 patients
PI: Dr.Prashanth G, Dean, BMCH,
Co-Investigators: Ganashree C P
Nalina T
Yogesh D
Meet Our Team

Dr. Basavaraj V Savadi
Professor & HOD

Dr. Vickram
M.Sc (Medical Biochemistry)
PhD(Medical Biochemistry)

Dr. Asfia Afreen
Associate Professor

Dr. Divya D
M.Sc(Medical Biochemistry)
Phd(Medical Biochemistry)
Associate Professor

Dr. Thippeswamy D N