Community Medicine

Meet Our Team

Dr. Nagendra Gowda M.R
Professor & HOD

Dr. Umakantha A G

Dr. Aftab Begum
Associate Professor

Dr. Ramya V
Associate Professor

Dr. Rashmi B M
Associate Professor

Dr. Sudharani M
Associate Professor

Dr. A.M. Amrutha
Assistant Professor

Dr. Vijayalaxmi Mangasuli
Assistant Professor

Dr. Pavithra R
Assistant Professor

Dr. Bhagyalaxmi Sidenur
Assistant Professor

Dr. Md. Naveed Baig
PG / Tutor
About Department
Community Medicine
The main aim of Community Medicine is to train the medical student to become an efficient basic doctor. The emphasis is that the student should…
Acquire basic knowledge and skills necessary for enabling him to perform his role as a community physician.
Be capable of assessing health problems in the community situation and arriving at a solution independently.
Be able to ascertain the capability to perform effectively as the leader of health team.
To bring about an awarenessregarding physical, social, psychological, economic and environmental aspect of Health and Diseases among the students.
To bring about the application of principles and methods in Epidemiology and Bio-statistics in health care.
To assess the health needs of various groups in the community and participate in planning, implementation & monitoring of appropriate health care services.
To apply clinical skills to recognize and manage common health problems including their physical, emotional and social aspects at the individual, family and community levels and deal with public health emergencies.
To understand different types of Bio-medical waste, their potential risks and their management.
To partnerwith government & other agencies in the health care delivery & training of health man power
R. Nagendra Gowda, Sambaji M. Rao. Factors related to attempted suicide in Davanagere. Indian Journal of Community Medicine, Vol. 33. No. 1, January 2008. 1–6.
Sunil Kumar, MahabalaRaju and NagendraGowda. “Influence of Parental Obesity on School Children”. Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 77, March 2010. Pp 255 – 8.
B.Y, NagendraGowda. M.R, Umakanth. A.G. “Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in rural areas of Davanagere”. Indian Journal of Community Medicine, Vol. 35. Issue 1, January 2010. Pp 138 – 141.
Rajeev KH, Yuvaraj BY, NagendraGowda. M.R, Ravikumar SM, The impact of HIV/AIDS on quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS in Chitradurga district, Karnataka. Indian J Public Health, 2012: 56: 116-21.
Ravikumar V, Rajshankar S, Kumar HRS, NagendraGowda.M.R, A Clinical study on the management of Inguinal Hernias in children on the General Surgical Practice, Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research, 2013, January, Vol-7(1): 144 – 147.
Ravikumar V, Hareesh Kumar RS, Dayanand Kumar R, NagendraGowda MR, Belodu R, Chandan V, Correlation of Clinical and CT Scan Findings in Relation to Mortality in Deceased Victims diagnosed with extradural hematoma, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine, July – Dec 2013; 7:2: 82 – 86.
Sathish BC, NagendraGowda MR, SambajiRao M, Place, time and season of suicidal attempts in Davangere city, Karnataka, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, April – June: 2015: 6: 2: 22 – 6.
Ujjinappa S, NagendraGowda MR, Kumaraswamy RC, Ujjinappa S, Determinants and effects of non adherence to drugs in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a teaching hospital, Global Journal of Medical Research, 2013: Vol 13, Issue 5, Version 1.0, 1 – 6.
Yuvaraj BY, NagendraGowda. M.R, Rajeev KH, Prashanth Kumar JH, SanthoshUjjanappa, Shreyas M, A study on hypertension in school children of Chitradurga district, Karnataka, Global Journal of Medical Research, 2014: 14: 1: 1 – 5.
Shrishailesh DM, NagendraGowda. MR, Kotresh M, Demographic profile and risk factors of ocular morbidity in school children of South India, International Journal of Scientific Research, 2014: 3:3: 231 – 5.
Venkatesh VN, Ravish Kumar M, NagendraGowda MR, A study on cold agglutinins in Malaria from a tertiary care hospital of South India, Global Journal of Medical Research, 2014: 14:1:25 – 29.
Kumaraswamy RC, SudhaMadhavi KM, Basavanthappa SP, NagendraGowda MR, Randomised controlled study comparing continuous versus intermittent bolus atropine therapy with or without prolidoxime in the treatment of organophosporous poisoning in a teaching hospital, Sahel’s Medical Journal, 2014: July – Sept: 17: 3: 87 – 90.
Ambrish S, NageshRaju G, Dharmaraj B, NagendraGowda M R. A Comparative study of efficacy of Thiocolchicoside with DiclofenacvsEperisone with Diclofenac in patients with back pain. Int J surg Orthopedics 2017;3(1):1-5.
Rumana AM, Sudharani M, Kallupurackal SJX, Ramya V, NagendraGowda MR, Suryakantha AH. Prevalence of Premenstrual Syndrome among Medical Students. Natl J Community Med 2017; 8(6):292-294.
Rajashekar S, NagendraGowda MR, Anthony A. Knowledge of basic life support among health care professionals in a tertiary care hospital in Chitradurga. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:3969-75.
Kotresh M1*,Prashant kumar2 Determinants of Use of Maternal Health Services in Rural Field Practice Area of Basaveshwara Medical College, Chitradurga: A Cross Sectional Study, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Holistic Health, July-December 2015;1(2):59-66.
Kotresh M1*,Prashant Kumar2A Case Control Study on Risk Factors of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Primary Health Centre Area of Karnataka, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Holistic Health, July-December 2015;1(2):53-58.
Ramya V1, Mayuri Reddy Reddy2, Sridevi BK3a study on reproductive morbidity and menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls of urban slum area of chitradurgaNational Journal of Community Medicine. Volume 7│Issue 3│Mar
Mayuri Reddy1, Ramya V Morbidity profile of children residing in orphanages – A cross-sectional study in Chitradurga, Karnataka, 2International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, Volume no 6 issue No
Mayuri Reddy Reddy1, Ramya V1*, A Study on Nutritional Status of Adolescent Girls and their Consciousness about Body Image. Spoorthi B S2 National Journal of Research in Community Medicine│Oct-Dec 2017│ Vol 6 │Issue4.
R Anandaraj, MS Anurupa, P Kavithai, BM Rashmi, Factors influencing delay in sputum smear conversion among new smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients of Davanagere tuberculosis unit. International J Med Science Public Health;6(11):1565-72.
Arpana A, Lokeshwari K, Rashmi BM. Menstrual characteristics and association of body mass index with dysmenorrhea among the medical students in South India. Indian J Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 2019;6(2):155-8.
Postgraduate activities
Teaching Learning activities for Postgraduates including seminar, journal club and case discussion of public health importance diseases.
Post graduate M.D. dissertations.
Field visits to important public health institutes
Postings to different clinical departments to acquire the diagnostic skill of common diseases
Supervision of intern’s project and conducting research in various field of public health importance.
Undergraduate activities
Teaching Learning activities for 1st Year, 2nd Year and 3rd Year MBBS Undergraduates.
Field visits to important public health institutes.
Compulsory internship rotation – 2 months for interns.
Interns Projects at the respective training centres.
Facilities available from the department
There are two demonstration rooms with accommodation capacity of 80 each students. The audio-visual equipments available are overhead projector, slide projector, television, DVD player, blackboard, LCD, computer etc.
Laboratory which can accommodate 80 students is used for practical teaching purpose. There are dissecting microscopes, compound microscopes, instruments available in it to demonstrate. Practical teaching materials like models, slides, specimens are also available.
Museum: Department has separate museum. A total of 155 specimens, 126 charts, 20 models and 10 catalogs with plenty of posters have been displayed in the museum for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.
Library: The departmental library is well equipped with 391 textbooks with different authors and 181 national and international journals for undergraduate and postgraduate reference.
Training: One primary health centre at Yalagodu and two urban health centres at ayyanpete and Jogimatti road, have been utilized as teaching and training centres for undergraduates, interns and postgraduates.
Departmental activities:
Conducting screening health camps at PHC and UHTC especially for diabetes and hypertension.
Conducting outreach activities and speciaity clinics at PHC and UHTC.
Different health camps will be conducted at different villages in collaboration with other NGOs.
Actively involved with World Health Organization in eliminating polio from India by external monitoring.
Actively involved in surveillance activities through district health office such as active case finding of TB, COVID 19 sero-survey, Indhradhanush Monitoring etc.
Actively worked as district COVID 19 Appraisal team to assess the surveillance activities of COVID 19.
Observing important world health days.
State level RNTCP Quiz college round conducted in collaboration with District Tuberculosis Office, Chitradurga.
Teaching learning activities for MBBS 1st phase, 2nd phase and 3rd phase students.
Field visits to important public health institutes.
Compulsory internship rotation for two months.
Student projects for MBBS 3rd phase even under RGUHS and ICMR.
MD Dissertations.
“Awareness and Compliance to anti-smoking law in public places of Citradurga district” funded by district tobacco control cell, Chitradurga. Dr.Nagendragowda MR, Dr.VijayalaxmiMangasuli, Dr.Amrutha AM, Dr.Bhagyashree K, Dr.Bhoovanchandran.
“Awareness and Compliance to anti-smoking law in public places of Hosadurgathaluk” funded by district tobacco control cell, Chitradurga. Dr.Nagendragowda MR, Dr.VijayalaxmiMangasuli, Dr.Amrutha AM, Dr.Bhagyashree K, Dr.Bhoovanchandran.
“Awareness of Tobacco Consumption, Perceived Harms of Tobacco, and Beliefs about Tobacco Control among General population in Chitradurga district.” funded by district tobacco control cell, Chitradurga. Dr.Nagendragowda MR, Dr.VijayalaxmiMangasuli, Dr.Amrutha AM, Dr.Bhagyashree K, Dr.Bhoovanchandran.
“Comparison of self-collected swab with healthcare worker collected swab in COVID 19 pandemic” Dr.Nagendragowda MR, Dr.Kotresh M.
Adverse skin reactions to personal protective equipment (PPE) against COVID 19 in selected districts of Karnataka. Dr.Nagendragowda MR, Dr.Ramya V.
Social factors associated with practice of self-monitoring of blood glucose among type 2 diabetic patients. Dr.Rashmi BM.
Assessment of attitude, practice and risk of infection by COVID 19 among general population. Dr.Vijayalaxmi M, Dr.Amrutha AM, Dr.Nagendragowda MR, Dr.Bhagyashree K, Dr.Bhoovanchandran.