
Meet Our Team

Dr. Yogendra M
Professor & HOD

Dr. Shivanand D R

Dr. Raghu M T
Associate Professor

Dr. Divyashree
Assistant Professor

Dr. Ashwini P
PG/Assistant Professor

Dr. Nikita Banakar
Senior Resident

Dr. Ashwini L H
Senior Resident

Dr. Madhusudan S N
Senior Resident

Dr. Arpitha S
Junior Resident/ PG

Dr. Kenganal Tejas
Junior Resident/ PG
About Department
Dermatology Venerology & Leprosy is the branch of medicine dealing with the skin, nails, hair (functions & structures) and its diseases. It is a specialty with both medical and surgical aspects. Since its establishment the department of dermatology has been keeping up-to-date of the developments in the field of research and therapeutics, making it one of the most sought-after departments in BMCH. The department has a comprehensive training programme for post-graduation in dermatology Masters degree (MD). The clinical services offered by the department include management of patients with dermatological problems, sexually transmitted diseases and leprosy. Dermatological and cosmetic surgeries including laser therapies are also performed. In addition to the extensive collection of dermatological books in the Central Library, the department has the latest international and national dermatological text books and a good collection of audio-visual teaching aids.
BMCH has very good facilities for proper and scientific investigation and treatment of patients with vitiligo and psoriasis. In this regard, the Department has the most modern phototherapy unit. The common day-to-day surgical procedures carried out in the department include skin biopsies for diagnosis of skin diseases, Electrodessication, Radiofrequency in the treatment of common and benign skin tumours like common warts and keloids. The various procedures offered are chemical peels for pigmentary disorders of the face like melasma, diffuse melanoderma and acne, Follicular hair extraction for androgenetic alopecia, botulinum toxin injections for wrinkles, soft tissue augmentation with fillers. Microdermabrasion and collagen microinduction by derma rolling for acne and chicken pox scars and platelet rich plasma treatment for hair loss. Laser therapy for diverse cutaneous conditions like hirsuitism, hypertrichosis, acne scar resurfacing etc, are performed in the department.
Contact dermatitis is frequently encountered in day-to-day practice for which patch testing is done. The department has a standard screening series of 20 allergens obtained from Sweden which are used for patch testing.
Other procedures performed in the department include-
Cryosurgery- for warts, benign tumors, keloids etc
Electrosurgery- electrocautery, epilation, removal of warts, DPN, skin tags
Snip excision of skin tags
Trichogram test- in hair disorders
Punch skin graft for vitiligo
Split skin graft for vitiligo, leg ulcers
Blister skin graft for vitiligo
Follicular hair extraction
Dermabrasion – for acne scars
Collagen micro induction by dermarolling for acne and varicella scars
Phototherapy – PUVA, NB- UVB
Electrophoresis for Hyperhydrosis
Laser hair reduction
Tattoo removal by picosecond laser
Lasers for acne scars and varicella scars.
Clinicals and theory classes for undergraduates seminars, short talks, journal club, case presentation, theory classes, group discussions and guest lectures for postgraduates regularly held.
Sangeetha T, Raghu MT, Nataraj GR, V Sharath Kumar Y, Satya Krishna, Fibin Johnson, V Sarvan Manikanta. Assessment of Prescribing Pattern and Quality of Life of Dermatology Patients by Using Quality Life Index. Int J Res Dermatol. 2017 June; 3(2):272-6
Manjunath K G, Raghu M T, Yogendra M, Harish G. A Clinical Therapeutic Study of Efficacy of 40% Glycolic Acid Facial Peels in Melasma. Int J Res Dermatol. 2018 May; 4(2):135-41
Raghu M T, Ashwini S, Gangaraju H, Babu N. A Study of Common Clinical Types of Cutaneous Tuberculosis: Two Years Study Experience in Tertiary Care Centre. Int J Res Dermatol. 2020;6(2):199-202
Nikitha B, Yogendra M., Raghu M. T, Virupakshappa HE, Ashwini S, Purva Kunda. A Study of Cutaneous Morphological Patterns of Adverse Drug Reactions in Tertiary Care Center, Chitradurga, Karnataka, India. Int J Res Dermatol. 2020 Jul; 6(4): 499-501
Gangaraju H, Raghu MT, Yogendra M, Virupakshappa HE, Ashwini S, Rakesh YR. Clinico-Etiological Study of Erythroderma Cases from Tertiary Care Hospital, Chitradurga, Karnataka. . Int J Res Dermatol. 2020 Jul; 6 (4): 502 -504
Genital Herpes: A clinical and seroepidemiological study of patients attending a sexually transmitted diseases clinic in South India. Journal of Pakistan association of dermatologist 2019;29(3):309-315.Index Medicus.
Study of Insulin resistance & dyslipidemia in psoriasis patients in a tertiary care hospital, South India. Doddarangaiah R Shivanand, Srikrishna RJournal of Krishna Institute of medical Sciences UniversityVol. 5 Issue. 1 Page no 14-19 Year 2016 Index Copernicus
Topical corticosteroids prescription trends in dermatology outpatient unit of a tertiary care research institute hospital, South India Mahindrakar M B, Doddarangaiah R Shivanand Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Vol. 2 Issue.1 Page no 8-11 Year 2016 Index Copernicus
Study of cutaneous manifestation of pregnancy in a tertiary care hospital, South India. Doddarangaiah R Shivanand, Indira Hanumaiah Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research Vol. 3 Issue.2 Page no 110-114 Year 2016 Index Copernicus
A Clinico-Histopathological Study of Psoriasis Dr.C. Raghuveer, Doddarangaiah R Shivanand International Journal of Scientific Study Vol.3 Issue.7 Page no.176-179 Year 2015Index Copernicus
Perinatal outcome of twin pregnancies at a tertiary care centre, South India Indira Hanumaiah, Doddarangaiah R Shivanand International Journal of Biological & Medical Research
Vol.4 Issue.1 Page no. 2683-2685 Year 2013 Index Copernicus
Multile trichoeitheliomas Cosmetic improvement with dermabrasion Chekuri Raghuveer, Doddarangaiah R Shivanand Journal of Cutaneous & Aesthetic Surgery Vol. 4 Issue.1 Page no. 68-69 Year 2011 SCOPUS INDEX
Details of Specialty Clinics
Vitiligo Clinic
09:00 to 05:00 PM
Dr. Yogendra M
Psoriasis Clinic
09:00 to 05:00 PM
Dr. Shivananda D R
Autoimmune disease clinic Lichen Planus Alopecia Areata DLE/SLE/MORPHEA/ SCLERODERMA
09:00 to 05:00 PM
Dr. Raghu M T
Vesiculobullous diseases Varicella/ Herpes Zoster/ Herpes Simplex Immunobullous
09:00 to 05:00 PM
Dr. Ashwini P
Hansen’s clinic
09:00 to 05:00 PM
Dr. Nikita Banakar
STD Clinic
09:00 to 05:00 PM
Dr. Ashwini L H
Pigmentary Clinic Melasma Others
09:00 to 05:00 PM
Dr. Madhusudhan S N