
NABL accreditation, COVID testing & External Quality Control schemes
Microbiology department has established a ICMR approved BSL-2 level laboratory for Covid-19.
Real Time RNA PCR test for HCV was accredited by National Accreditation for Testing and Calibration of Laboratories (NABL).
COVID 19 diagnostics: SARS COV-2 RTPCR test, GeneXpertDx System (CBNAAT), Rapid Antigen test (RAT) included serving both Private and Govt. samples.
The Department enrolled for EQAS for SARS COV-2 RTPCR test wit MMC Mysore.
Dr. Sumanta.A, Dr. Jagadevi and Mr. Puneethkumar T attended Covid-19 training in SARS CoV-2 real time PCR test at NIMHANS, Bangalore .
The molecular lab, department of Microbiology carries out its testing activities complying with ISO 15189, NABL, ICMR, Medical Council of India and other relevant statutory guidelines. Provides comprehensive lab support to the covid care center of Basaveshwara medical college and hospital many other private covid car centers of chitradurga.

Great milestone
Covid-19 testing by RTPCR, CBNAAT is the pinnacle of this molecular lab microbiology department. The Molecular Biology lab for covid 19 testing was established in the Division of Microbiology Central lab & NABL accreditation was obtained to start covid 19 testing from 05.09.2020.
The molecular laboratory department of Microbiology is having experienced, qualified, well trained and dedicated faculty ably supported by non-teaching staff i.e. technicians and attenders.
The molecular lab department of microbiology has got all the infrastructural facilities like most of the modern instruments, equipment’s as per National Accreditation for Testing and Calibration of Laboratories (NABL) requirements.
Laboratory Director
Dr. Shubha D S
Technical Officer
Dr. Jagadevi
Quality Manager
Dr. Sudhindra K S
Safety Officer
Dr. Saipriya B
Deputy Quality Manager
Dr. Sumanta A
Research Assistant
Mr. Puneeth Kumar T
About Department
The medical academy houses full-fledged academic sections for training Undergraduates and Postgraduates. The Department has one undergraduate practical hall and two demonstration rooms, as well as a museum to support its teaching activities. The well-equipped service laboratories in the academic sections cater to training postgraduates and undergraduates for academics and research purpose.
An additional asset to the Department is its well qualified teachers who adopt innovative methods for teaching. The training methods include diabetic lectures, seminars, web based learning, small group teaching, mind map classes and laboratory based training. Initiatives have been taken to provide supplementary online learning material through a course website hosted on the institutions online learning management system.
Molecular laboratory, department of Microbiology
The Department of Microbiology caters to the diagnostic needs of Basaveshwara medical college and Hospital in addition to research activities and teaching programmes.
The central laboratory at Basaveshwara Hospital, is a 24 hour laboratory which caters to diagnostics. It is equipped with high specific and sensitive instruments to aid early diagnosis and treatment. Skilled and trained technicians are available round the clock and well qualified clinical microbiologists are available through the week for reporting and advice.
The Department has obtained research grants from a number of external funding agencies. The staff and postgraduates are involved in publications in various indexed journals. Staff member have undergone fellowship programme in stem cell from outside university.
Acquisition Molecular Diagnostic Tools upgradation of laboratory service.
Require resources to upgrade laboratory services to meet NABL requirements and preparation for NABL accreditation.
Training programme for the upgradation of staff skills to meet the present requirements.
Viral diagnostic set – up for early and reliable diagnosis.
Gene expert for diagnosis of mycobacterium tuberculosis and viruses.
The ability to scale up in its diagnostic services provided, along with provision of advanced quality diagnostic services at an affordable cost to the mass public.
The Department looks forward to introducing innovative teaching techniques to make learning more interesting and to start newer diagnostic techniques for better patient care.
The Department participates in medical health checkup camps and blood donation camps conducted by the Hospital.
The Department provides laboratory services to both in-patient and out-patients of the attached teaching medical and dental college hospitals and also offers services in bacteriology, serology and parasitology. The Serology department has a fully automated ELISA system and all the sections are equipped with necessary instruments to carry out their diagnostic work. BacT/Alert system is used for automated blood and body fluid culture for early diagnosis of pathogens and Vitek is used for determining MIC values for antibiotic sensitivity for treatment. the Department has introduced ANA Screening and profile for autoimmune diseases and Chemiluminescence for testing HIV, HCV, HBV
Shubha DS, Farheen Fatima. A Coprological survey for assessing intensity of parasitic infection in School children: Cross-Sectional study. 2011; 1:88-93.
DS Shubha, Farheen Fathima Prevalence survey for assessing intensity of Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococci (GABHS) subclinical infection rate in school children: A cross sectional study. Global Journal of Medical Research Diseases. Vol 13, issue 3, Version 1.0, year 2013Venkatesh V.N., Prashanth H.V., K.G. Bhat, Subha al. Rotaviral Diarrhoea in Children: A Comparison of PAGE with ELISA. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2012;6:188-191.
K.S, Ravi Chandra prakash.H, Farheenfathima, Venkatesh.V.N et al. Evaluation of PCR in early diagnosis of Tuberculosis. Journal of medical research and practice March 2012; 1:24-28.
K.S, Ravi Chandra prakash.H, Farheen fathima, Venkatesh.V.N et al. Conventional diagnostic modalities verses Bactec, MGIT960 TB for diagnosis of tuberculosis – a comparative study. Novel science international journal of medical sciences October 2012
KS Sudhindra, VN Venkatesh, B Nirmala grace, M Ravish kumar, DC Shwetha. Bacteriological profile of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media in a tertiary care centre in south India. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research 2014;3(2):05-08
VenkateshVN,SudhindraKS B Nirmala grace, M Ravish kumar, DC Shwetha, Srinivasshetty TK, B Nirmala grace. ESBL producing Ebterobacteriaceae isolates-Prevalence and their susceptibility pattern. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research 2014;3(1):61-63
Rani U, KS Sudhindra, B Nirmala grace, G Pradeep, Kapoor A, L Shilpa. Evaluation of various screening tests for detection of urinary tract infections. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research 2014;3(2):15-20
T Thipperudraswamy, KS Sudhindra, Nadigar S, Kumar M. Prevalence of non-fermenting Gram negative bacilli from clinical isolates and their antibiogram profile. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research 2014;3(2):55-61
T Thipperudraswamy, KS Sudhindra, Nadigar S, Kumar M. Prevalence of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases (ESBL) in non-fermenting Gram negative bacilli from clinical isolates. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research 2014;3(2):72-79
T Thipperudraswamy, Nadgar S, KS Sudhindra, Kumar M. Prevalence of AmpC Beta Lactamases in non-fermenting Gram negative bacilli from clinical isolates. Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 2014;2(16):01-10
T Thipperudraswamy, Nadgar S, KS Sudhindra, Kumar M. Prevalence of Metallo Beta Lactamases in non-fermenting Gram negative bacilli from clinical isolates. Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 2014;2(16):27-36
VN venkatesh, DC Shwetha, M Ravish kumar, KS Sudhindra, Shetty S. Study of antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus at a tertiary care hospital in south India. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research 2014;3(2):25-28
Nirmala Grace. B, Dr. Sumanta. A, Dr. Sudhindra K.S, Dr. Usha Rani. V, Dr. Jagadevi, Dr. T.K. Srinivas Setty. Prevalence of Streptococcus pyogenes throat infection among school children. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical research.2015;4(2):15-19.
Sudhindra K.S., Dr. Madhu S., Dr. Sumanta A., Dr. M.M. Kauser Dr. Vageesh Kumar S.R. Clinical and Bacteriological Profile of Community Acquired Pneumonia cases at tertiary care centre in South India. Biomedical Review: Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Sciences. 2017;4(2):12-17.
Sudhindra K.S., Dr. Sumanta A, Dr. Shubha D.S., Dr. Narayana Murthy C, Dr. SrinivasaShetty T.K. Weil Felix Test for detection of Rickettsial infections. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research. 2017; 4(2):216-219.
Madhu S, Dr. Sudhindra K.S., Dr. Sumanta A, Dr. BasavarajSangolli, Dr.
RanganathR. Role of Genexpert in early diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.Biomedicl Review: Journal of Basic and applied Medical Sciences. 2017;4(2):12-17
Sumanta A, Dr. Sudhindra K.S., Dr. Nagarathanamma T, Dr. Shubha D.S. Comparative evaluation of drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Nitrate Reductase assay on direct sputum samples and Conventional Proportion Method. Tropical Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2017; 3(2):219-222.
Sumanta A, Dr. Sudhindra K.S., Dr. Nagarathanamma T, Dr. Shubha D.S. Modified slide culture method for drug susceptibility testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research. 2017; 4(3):305-307.
vDr.vNimboor K., Shubha D.S., Dr.Sudhindra K.S, Dr.Sumanta A., Dr.Jagadevi. Carrier status of Acinetobacter among healthcare personnel and prevalence of the same in the environment.Tropical Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2018; 4(2):213-235.
Jagadevi,Dr.SaiPriya B,Dr.K R Maduri, Dr.AnjanaGopi,Dr.Jagadeesh. Significance of C – reactive protein and routine analysis of cerebrospinal fluid in children with meningitis. International journal of current microbiology and applied scinces.2018;7(05)1236-1247.
Dr.Jagadevi,SaiPriyaB,Dr.Shubha D.S, Dr.Sudhindra K.S,Dr.Sumanta A,Dr .K R Maduri..Clinical importance of emerging ESKAPE pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility profile from a tertiary care centre. International journal of current microbiology and applied scinces.2018;7(05)2881-2891.
Jagadevi, Dr.Sumanta A,Dr. Shubha D.S, Dr. Sudhindra K.S, Dr.BasavarajSangolli. Evaluation of GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay in diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance. Tropical Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2018; 4(7):478-485.
SaiPriya B, Dr.Jagadevi, Dr.Suresh K, Dr.M.G. Prakash. Evaluation of Helicobacter pylori stool antigen test in comparison with conventional methods in detection of helicobacter pylori infection in dyspepsia patients. Tropical Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2018;4(7):505-511.
Research Thrust Areas
Seroprevalence, bio-typing and genetic evaluation of leptospirosis among patients with acute febrile illness.
Relevance of genetic diagnosis to assist in diagnosis of tuberculosis in the modern era.
Fungal etiology to maxillary sinusitis, ocular infections.
Parasitic infections of rare etiology
Viral etiopathogenesis to human infections.
Meet Our Team

Dr.Shubha D S
Professor & HOD

Dr.Sudhindra K S

Dr.Sumanta A
Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Dr.B SaiPriya
Associate Professor

Mr.Puneeth Kumar