Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Meet Our Team

Dr. Latha V
Professor & HOD

Dr. Geetha H H

Dr. Ravi M

Dr.Lokeshwari K
Associate Professor

Dr. Sowmya S
Associate Professor

Dr.Nazma Shamim
Assistant Professor

Dr.Chamaraj T
Assistant Professor

Dr.Neena M
Senior Resident

Dr.Vinod Kumar S B
Senior Resident

Dr.Prafulla M
Senior Resident

Dr.Sirisha Koti
Senior Resident

Dr.Chaithra Budi
Senior Resident

Dr.Aruna Manyam
Senior Resident

Dr.Suvarna P
Senior Resident

Dr.Suhasini Sajjan
Senior Resident

Dr.Monika R
Junior Resident/ PG

Dr.Pragati Sachdeva
Junior Resident/ PG

Dr.Mounika Kokkirala
Junior Resident/ PG
About Department
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
The department of Obstetrics & Gynecology started functioning in 2000. The department has progressed rapidly with more than required bed occupancy and OPDs. The Out Patient Department, the Labour Theatre and the Operation Theatres are all equipped with modern instruments & gadgets. All the staff members have been instrumental in giving the patients excellent care with compassion & competence. The department of Obstetrics & Gynecology runs an intensive teaching program for the undergraduates & the postgraduates. The department conducts conferences and workshops regularly.
The department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology conducts intensive teaching programmes for the undergraduates & the postgraduates.
Undergraduate teaching starts from the third term to the ninth term. The theory lecture classes are held every day. The students also have clinical postings every day. Students undergo rigorous training in clinical examination & management in the wards. They get an opportunity to observe many surgical procedures. The students are also posted to the labour theatre in small groups for one week where they get a closer look at how the emergencies are tackled day & night. The undergraduate students also have seminars, tutorials and general clinics every week, which enhances the students’ knowledge as well as prepares them for the examinations.
The postgraduate teaching includes weekly seminars, case discussions & journal clubs. There are frequent interdepartmental meetings, clinico-pathological meetings, subject symposia, perinatal & maternal mortality meetings. The postgraduates get a graded training in the labour theatre. They get an opportunity to assist all operations including endoscopy & radical surgery. They also get a chance to perform several major and minor surgical procedures under the supervision of the staff. The students’ performance is assessed periodically by internal assessment.
Antenatal cases are evaluated in the OPD by Ultrasonography, Doppler and Non-stress tests. Screening for gynecological malignancies like Pap smears, colposcopy, colposcopy directed biopsies, endometrial biopsies and transvaginalsonographies are carried out in the OPD.
Infertility evaluation like follicular study and sonosalpingography are done in the OPD.
The Labour theatre is an air-conditioned set up with facilities for Ultrasonography, Cardio-tocography and Epidural analgesia. Specialists, postgraduates and nursing staff are posted round the clock to attend to normal labours as well as all types of emergencies.
The wards are clean, spacious, well ventilated and well equipped. The staff and postgraduates are available day and night to attend to the in-patients in the wards.
Diagnostic Facilities
Operative Facilities
All types of surgeries are performed in our department.
Minor Surgeries- D&C, D&E, MTP, Biopsy, Tubectomy
Major surgeries- LSCS, Hysterectomy (Abdominal, Vaginal, Laparoscopy)
All Laparoscopic Surgeries
Laparoscopic tubectomy
Ovarian cystectomy
Ectopic pregnancy management
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH)
Diagnostic Hystero-laparoscopy
Pelvic Floor Surgeries
Mesh repairs
Site specific repairs
Vault fixation procedures.
Fertility Enhancing Surgeries
Operative Facilities
All types of surgeries are performed in our department.
Minor Surgeries- D&C, D&E, MTP, Biopsy, Tubectomy
Major surgeries- LSCS, Hysterectomy (Abdominal, Vaginal, Laparoscopy)
Highlights of patient care
Facilities for identifying fetal abnormalities
Early detection of cervical cancer by Pap smear & Colposcopy
Facilities for managing gynaec. cancers – surgery, chemotherapy
Diagnosis and management of problems of infertility including microsurgery
Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic surgery including video laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and cystoscopy
Management of high risk pregnancy
Special Clinics
Antenatal clinic – Every day
Infertility Clinic – Monday
Cancer detection clinic – Friday
Menopausal Clinic – Tuesday
Family planning Clinic – Thursday
High risk Pregnancy Clinic – Wednesday & Saturday.
Post Natal Clinic – Thursday.
Gynae Endocrine – Tuesday
Geetha H H Cross Sectional Survey of Gurden of illness in terminally ill eances patients. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development Volume 2 No 1 Page No 33 Jan June 2012
Geetha H H A pilot Study of Relation of Polystic vary Sundrome Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development Volume 3 No 2 Page No 40 April June 2012
Geetha H H (May 2015) Prevalence and Factors influencing Anemia among Adolescent Girls: A Community based study. PARIPES Indian Journal of Research
Geetha H. H. Need for Optimal Laparoscopic Ergonomics in Gynaecology Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 2 Number 6 March April 2018 DOI:httsps:// Original Research Article
Geeta Hosanemati1 Clinical Study and Outcome of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Clinical Study and Outcome of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome NJOG 2011 May June 6 (1) 22 -27
Geetha Hosanemati, A two year study of Polystic ovary syndrome in Davanagere, Indian Jouranal of Public health and Development, Volume no 3 Issue 2
Geetha Hosanemati Study of serum and urinary calcium levels in pregnancy induced hypertension cases in and around Chitradurga, Indian Global Journal of Medical Research Volume 14 Issue 14
Geetha Hosanemati A Comparing reproductive and sexual health among rural and urban, , International journal of universal pharmacy and bio sciences,
Geetha Hosanemati Clinical Use and safety of relation polystic ovary syndrome, Indian journal of public health research and development, Volume 03 no 02 page 45
Lokeshwari K2*, Menstrual characteristics and association of body mass index with dysmenorrhoea among the medical students in South India, Original Research Article Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research, April-June, 2019;6(2):155-158 Indexed in Indexcopernicus
Lokeshwari K.1 A clinical study of impact of anaemia in pregnancy on maternal and neonatal outcome, International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Lokeshwari K et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Jan;8(1):273-278 pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789 DOI: Indexed in Indexcopernicus
Sowmya S2Colour Doppler Study of Foetomaternal Circulation In Pih, Oligohydramnios And Its Perinatal Outcome J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2018;7(47):5934-5938 Doi:10.14260/Jemds/2018/1139
Sowmya S.1, The Study of Risk Factors and Perinatal Outcome In Preterm Birth. Indian Journal Of Obstetrics And GynecologyVolume 6 Number 5, September – October 2018 DOI: Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.21088/Ijog.2321.1636.6518.12
S Sowmya Multipal Pregnancy: Its Maternal And Fetal Outcome. Indian Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology