Meet Our Team

Dr. Channa Reddy H
Professor & HOD

Dr. Palakshaiah L
Professor & Medical Superintendent

Dr.Anil S Nelivigi

Dr. Gururaj Meravanige
Assistant Professor

Dr.Venkatasiva Reddy N
Assistant Professor

Dr.Tulaja Prasad P V
MBBS., D.Ortho., DNB.,
Assistant Professor

Dr. Naveena Jyothi H
Assistant Professor

Dr.Anilkumar T Bennur
MBBS., D.Ortho., DNB.,
Assistant Professor

Dr.Sujith B S
Assistant Professor

Dr.Ravi H Rangareddy
Senior Resident

Dr.Dharanish I
MBBS., D.Ortho. DNB.,
Senior Resident

Dr.Ramachandra Reddy K
MBBS., D.Ortho. DNB.,
Senior Resident

Dr.Sachin N
Junior Resident

Dr.Akashkumar Kadadinni
Junior Resident/PG

Dr.Praveen Y Kuri
Junior Resident/PG

About Department
The Department was established at BMCH, as part of the M.B.B.S Course, later the department expanded and introduced MS program with a focus on sub-specialization training. The faculty is encouraged to train in arthroplasty, arthroscopy and spine surgery which aids in providing advanced orthopedic care to patients. The department caters to central Karnataka.
Operation Theater
The department has a state-of the art orthopaedic operation theatre for super specialty surgeries and general orthopaedic operations and is equipped with all instruments & implants for round the clock emergency and trauma surgeries. The department is supported by an intensive care unit & surgical ICU with ventilators for the critically ill patients
Faculty Services
The Department provides excellent training opportunities for clinical training and adopts learner centric methods of education such as small group discussions, simulation training and student seminars. Specialty clinics like CTEV Clinic, spine clinic, arthroplasty and arthroscopy clinic run simultaneously on OPD days. The department has roped in the services of a counselor who will liaise with surgeons and help the patients to avail best treatment solutions and assist with their insurance formalities.
Patient Care
24 hour emergency trauma care.
Well equipped operation theatre with all modern equipments.
Well established Artificial limb centre
Investigation Facility
Digital X- Ray / PACS
Joint and soft tissue USG.
3D CT scan and MRI.
Treatment Facility
Trauma care
Shoulder, hip, knee arthroscopy
Hip and knee arthroplasty
Pediatric orthopedic surgery
Deformity correction and ilizarov
Teaching Program
The department is involved in regular teaching program for MBBS and physiotherapy students. Department has got 2 post graduate seats. PG students are involved in OPD patient’s evaluation, in patients work up and assisting operations. There is a well-structured teaching program both in the class room and at the skill lab. The department possesses a well-equipped skill lab where the students are given hands on training in orthopedic procedures.
Teaching Activities
Journal club, Case discussion
Seminar 1 / week
Inter departmental meeting with radiology & Pathology
Equipment at Operation Theatre
General orthopaedic instruments
Dynamic compression hip screw set
External fixator sets Aesculap
Spinal surgery set
Instrumentation for internal fixation of all Bones
Instrumentation and prosthosis for hemiarthoplasty of hip
Arthroscope with facilities for diagnostics and surgical procedure (Karl Storz) for ACL and meniseal surgeries.
Harrington instrumentation set
O. instrumentation set for both 3.5 mm and 4.5 mm Sourer
Watson Jones fracture table
Intramedullary Interlocking Nail set
C ‘Arm’ image intensifier – Seimeni
Joshi’s external stabilisation system for hand and Correction of CTEV
Total hip instrumentation set and implants
Cannulated screw instruments
Instruments for locking plate fixation
K. Interlocking nails (Howmedica) for Tibia & Fibula
Basic Iuzarov instrumentation for Tibia & Fibula
Equipment at O.P.D. and Wards
Thomas splint – 20
Bohler braun splint – 10
Cervical traction apparatus – 10
Pelvic traction belts – 10
Portable X-ray machine – 2
Traction weights – 5 sets
Water Beds – 3
Plaster of Paris removal equipment
Slide projector – 1
Overhead projector – 2
Channa Reddy H “Gouty Arthritis – Analysis of Gender Disparities”-, International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research ,Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2016 , 862-863 Indexed in Index Copernicus
Channa Reddy H “Study of open Carpal tunnel decompression under local anaesthesia without tourniquet”- J. Evid., Based Med. Healthc. 2016; 3(15), 562-563Indexed in Index Copernicus
Channa Reddy H “Evaluation of results of comminuted intra-articular fractures of the distal end of the Radius treated by external fixation” -, International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2018; 4(1): 235-238 Indexed in Index Copernicus
Channa Reddy H, “ Epidemiology , Comorbidities and Clinical Features of Gout in Southern Part of India-Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 2015; 3(9B):3284-3288 Indexed in Index Copernicus
Channa Reddy H , Ambrish Sharma, “Post-operative orthopaedic hyponatremia -Etiology and clinical approach”- International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2018; 4(2): 561-565Indexed in Index Copernicus
Channa Reddy H, Ambrish Sharma, Peri-operative hyponatremia in orthopaedic injury patients” – Int J surgOrthopedics. 2017;3(4):130-136.Indexed in Index Copernicus
Channareddy H, Epidemiological profile of artiular fractures of distal radius, National journal of Clinical Orthopaedics 2018: 2(3); 17 – 20 ISSN (P) 2521 – 3466, ISSN (E) 2521 – 3474. Indexed in Index Copernicus