
About Department
Pathology is a discipline which has its roots deeply implanted in the medical history that bridges clinical practice and basic science and therefore a foundation of sound clinical medicine. Pathology literally translates to the study of suffering; more fittingly, the term ‘Pathology’ is invoked to represent the study of disease. It involves the study of the patterns, investigation of the causes, underlying mechanisms and the effects of illness. It follows the process from its inception to its termination by investigating the changes produced.
It is therefore a vital component of medical education for all doctors, nurses and other health-care practitioners, greatly improving the skills and efficiency of all concerned. Pathology encompasses both the medical specialty, which utilities the organs, cells, tissues and body fluids to obtain clinically useful information, as well as the related scientific study of disease processes through examination. The faculty of the department of Pathology plays a major role in teaching and training of undergraduate students in Medicine of Phase-II and allied courses, as well as the postgraduate students aiming at producing specialist consultants of global standards.
The department is situated in the ground floor of the college building which has the hematology, cytopathology and histopathology wings. In addition central laboratory consisting of hematology, cytopathology & clinical pathology is located at the Hospital premises. We have blood bank with component separation unit in the ground floor of the hospital premises.
In addition, the department also plays a pivotal role in providing competent laboratory services of the teaching hospital. This is essential for establishing the diagnosis of diseases, and monitoring the treatment of patients.
Regular, interactive, integrated academic programmers to foster academic excellence and quality in patient care are conducted by the department under the auspices of the institution. Research activities and their publications in indexed national and international scientific journals are being done on a regular basis in the department. Immunohistochemistry and Immunocytochemistry facilities are also available in the department.
Dr. Narayana Murthy. C
Ramu R, Murthy NC. Study of iron deficiency anemia with thrombocytopenia in association with serum erythropoietin levels. Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 2017;3(1):71-6.
Ramu S, Bindu BJ, Murthy N. Pap smear as early diagnostic tool for cervical cancer- A life savior. Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 2018;4(1):22-6.
Ramesh VL, Narayanamurthy C. Do learning styles influence learning outcome in pathology. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2017;6(3).
Setty SR, Nandyal SS, Murthy NC, Puranik RB. Histopathological study of placenta in pregnancy induced hyperytension. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2019;8(1):97-105.
Sonam S. Nandyal, Sharvani R. Shetty, Rekha B. Puranik, Sujatha S. Giriyan and Narayan Murthy C. Skin adnexal tumors: An experience at tertiary care centre in Indian Journal Of Pathology: Research and Practice 2019;8(3):30-16.
Muzarath. S, Nandyal SS, Bindu BJ, Murthy CN. Contaminants and Mimickers in Cytopathology. J Cytol 2020;37:131-5
Dr.Doddikoppad M M
Geetha JP, M.M Doddikoppad. Role of immunochromatographic test in the diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis. Int J Biol Med Res. 2012; 3(4):2575-80.
Savithadevi GS, Chandrashekar RH, Shankar SH, Patil SB, Jyothiprakash BG, Doddikoppad MM. Polycystic Kidney disease in neonate with acrorenal mandibular syndrome. Lippincott’s Williams & Wilkins 2014;23:133-7.
Dr. Ramesh VL
VL Ramesh , Murthy NC. Do learning styles influence learning outcome in pathology. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2017;6(3): 696-0
Narayana Murthy C1, Ramesh V L2, Gowramma R3A study on VARK learning Styles of SJM Dental College and Hospital Students Chitradurga. Journal of Educational Research & Medical Teacher 2014;2(1):33-36 35
VL Ramesh, S Sunitha, R Rupnarayan & C Narayana Murthy Patterns of Thyroid Lesions: A Histomorphological StudyBy Global Journal of Medical Research Volume XIV Issue VI Version I
Dr Ramesh V L Dr, Ramu2, Dr, Narayana Murthy 3, Accuracy of fine needle aspitation cytology of theroid swellings Indian Journal of Evedence Based Med & Healthcare PSSN 2349-2562. EISSN -2349-2570Vol 1Issue 16Decc 22, 2014
Ramesh VL1, Shwetha Ramu2, Study of Distribution of Thyroid Lesions in a Hospital, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Impact Factor (2012): 3.358 Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014
Dr. Sonam S Nandyal
Nandyal SS, Shashikala KP, Manjunath LM. Juvenile rectal polyp with osseous metaplasia- A rare case report. Am J med sci 2017;1(1):35-7.
Nandyal SS, Shasikala KP, Prasad BS. Seating preferences of medical students in theory classroom – A survey. Journal of educational research & medical teacher 2016;4(2):11-4.
Nandyal SS, Shashikala P, Sahgal V. Study of thrombocytopenia in neonatal intensive care unit. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2016; 3(1):55-9.
Shashikala P, Shreevidyalata GM, Nandyal SS, Umapathy GK. Familiar trespassers in histopathology-an obstacle in diagnosis? a single- blind study. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2017;60:524-7.
Ankur M, Shashikaka P, Nandyal SS, Kavita GU, Neeta Y, Prasad BS. A study of platelet count and platelet indices in neonatal sepsis. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2017;6(3):523-6.
Sagar SC, Shashikala P, Nandyal SS, Pruthvi D, ShwethaJH. Evaluation of platelet indices in acute coronary syndrome: A case control study. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2017;6(3):541-4.
Setty SR, Nandyal SS, Murthy NC, Puranik RB. Histopathological study of placenta in pregnancy induced hyperytension. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2019;8(1):97-105.
Sonam S. Nandyal, Sharvani R. Shetty, Rekha B. Puranik, Sujatha S. Giriyan and Narayan Murthy C. Skin adnexal tumors: An experience at tertiary care centre in Indian Journal Of Pathology: Research and Practice 2019;8(3):30-16.
Muzarath. S, Nandyal SS, Bindu BJ, Murthy CN. Contaminants and Mimickers in Cytopathology. J Cytol 2020;37:131-5
Dr. Ramu. R
Ramu R, Murthy NC. Study of iron deficiency anemia with thrombocytopenia in association with serum erythropoietin levels. Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 2017;3(1):71-6.
Ramu R, Karigoudar MH, Yelikar BR, Potekar RM. Study of platelet indices in patients with febrile thrombocytopenia. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2017;6(2):298-302.
Recharla M. Ramu.R, Bindu B. J, Narayana Murthy.C. Granulomatous lesions! Expected guests in unexpected places. Trop J Path Micro 2020; 6(4): 274-282.
Dr. Bindu BJ
Bindu BJ, Suresh KK, Chatura KR, Kumar SKB. A correlation study between clinical, histomorphological features and estrogen and progesterone receptors and Her2/neu expression in carcinoma breast. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2018;7(9):1031-7.
Ramu S, Bindu BJ, Murthy N. Pap smear as early diagnostic tool for cervical cancer- A life savior. Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 2018; 4(1):22-6.
Muzarath. S, Nandyal SS, Bindu BJ, Murthy CN. Contaminants and Mimickers in Cytopathology. J Cytol 2020;37:131-5
Dr. Sharvani R. Setty:
Setty SR, Nandyal SS, Murthy NC, Puranik RB. Histopathological study of placenta in pregnancy induced hyperytension. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2019;8(1):97-105.
Sonam S. Nandyal, Sharvani R. Shetty, Rekha B. Puranik, Sujatha S. Giriyan and Narayan Murthy C. Skin adnexal tumors: An experience at tertiary care centre in Indian Journal Of Pathology: Research and Practice 2019;8(3):30-16.
Dr. Ruhi Salma Naagar
Nigi Ross Philip, Teerthnath Srinivas, Ruhisalma Naagar,Aakash and Venkatesh Srinivas. An extremely rare case of small cell carcinoma in submandibular salivary gland. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research.2017 may,vol-11(5):ED24-ED25.
Aakash Singh, Kishan Prasad HL, Jayaprakash shetty K, Nigi Ross Philip, Ruhisalma , Anitha Chakravarthy. Urachal cyst with xanthogranulomatous cystitis: A rare case report. Urol Ann 2018:10:219-21.
Ruhisalma Naagar, Dr. Sunil Kumar Y, Dr. Sajitha K, Dr. Kishan Prasad HL and Dr. Jayaprakash Shetty K. Diagnostic accuracy of core needle biopsy of breast lesions. International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology. 2020; 3(2): 135-138.
Ruhisalma Naagar, Dr. Sunil Kumar Y, Dr. Sajitha K, Dr. Kishan Prasad HL and Dr. Jayaprakash Shetty K. Profile of patients with breast diseases subjected for histopathological diagnosis. International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology. 2020; 3(2): 139-142.
Dr. Prajna K.S
Shetty PK, Rao PS, Pai MR, et al. Histomorphological analysis of mixed bag of mediastinal lesions in a tertiary care centre. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2018;7(16):1978-1983, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/445
Prajna K Shetty, Thoppil Reba Philipose, Muktha R Pai. Histomorphological study of Nodal lymphomas in a tertiary care hospital. MedPulse International Journal of Pathology. December 2018; 8(3): 131-138.
Kirthi Jayadhar, Prajna K Shetty, Meghashree Vishwanath. Unlocking the pandora box of ovarian neoplasm – A histomorphological study. MedPulse International Journal of Pathology. January 2019; 9(1): 26-32.
Kruttika Naik, Prajna K S. Study of patterns of clinical and histopathological presentation of adnexal neoplasms of skin- A cross sectional study in a tertiary care centre. MedPulse International Journal of Pathology. February 2019; 9(2): 58-62.
Academic activities of Department of Pathology, BMC&H
Academic activities of Department of Pathology were conducted under the banner Fort City Final Diagnosis since the inception of the college. It has the credit of hosting Annual Karnataka chapter IAPM conference in the Year 2010, also has the credit of founder organizer of state level undergraduate pathology quiz which will be held annually at different Medical colleges of Karnataka.
2017: Conducted slide seminar at lecture hall 01 of BMC&H on 08.04.2017. Dr. Shashikala. P and Dr. M. M. Doddikoppad were guest speakers of the event. Around 30 postgraduates and faculty from different Medical colleges attended the event.
2018: Conducted Laboratory quality Management System and Internal Audit course at BMC&H, Chitradurga, demonstration hall, Dept. of Pathology from 26th Feb to 1st March 2018. Dr. Jayaram.N, Past President, KCIAPM and Dr. Vankatesh Thuppil, Lead assessor NABL were resource persons.
CME on Hemophilia at BMC&H was organized on 16.04.2018. 100 Medical students and 50 Specialists were present in the morning session. The house surgeons and postgraduates presented the cases and Dr. Suresh Hanagavadi, Dr. Narayana Murthy & Dr. Shashikala moderated the sessions. Orientation program on management of Hemophilia to Doctors & nurse coordinators of Chitradurga District Hospital was organized on 16.04.2018.
2019: Conducted CME on bleeding disorder – on going program on the occasion of World Hemophilia day at Department of Pathology, BMC&H Chitradurga in collaboration with Karnataka Hemophilia Society, Davanagere at 06.07.2019.
There are different sections in the laboratory – Histopathology & Immunohistochemistry, Hematology, Cytology and Clinical pathology – each are under the supervision of qualified pathologists on rotation. Well-qualified technical staff assists the pathologists. The sections are well equipped with necessary and sophisticated instruments like the Automated Cell counter, Coagulometer, Automatic Tissue Processor, Microtomes, Microwave oven, Monocular, Binocular, Trinocular and Pentahead Microscopes with CCTV, Phase contrast, darkfield and Photomicrography facilities, Cover slipper with transfer station & Digital pathology scanner and Computers for storing data. The laboratory is preparing for NABL accreditation. The patient reports are dispatched within the specified turn-around time. The Department uses designated software for rapid delivery of the laboratory data for patient management. The Department also extends routine laboratory services for regular health check-up camps conducted by our hospital.
The Department also has state of the art Blood Bank at Basaveshwara Hospital. This is fully air-conditioned, with the component facility, and there are five blood storage refrigerators with a storage capacity of over 800 units of blood and blood components. The blood bank contains equipment like Refrigerated centrifuge, component separator, Platelet Agitator, -85° C ultra-low freezer, -40° C plasma freezer for storing single donor plasma, Blood Bag Refrigerators, Laminar flow, Cryobath, Microplate Washer/ Reader, Blood collection monitor and component separation unit. There is a regular blood donation camp in association with District hospital and an exclusive voluntary blood donor registry by name “Sanjeevini” which contains all the details of the eligible blood donors.
Research Thrust Areas
The Department is focused on oncology research with nearly 100 publications in indexed national and international journals. Many external projects are based on oncolopathological research. Many medical education-related researches is on a roll.
Meet Our Team

Dr. Narayana Murthy C
Professor & HOD

Dr. Ramesh V.L.
Professor & Deputy Medical Superintendent

Dr. Sonam S Nandyal

Dr. Ramu R
Associate Professor

Dr. Bindu B J
Associate Professor

Dr. Sharvani Setty
Associate Professor

Dr. Ruhi Salma Naagar
Assistant Professor

Dr. Prajna KS
Assistant Professor

Dr. Prajna KS
Assistant Professor

Dr. Prajna KS
Assistant Professor

Dr. Manasa H P
Assistant Professor

Dr. FarheenKauser
Assistant Professor

Dr. Nivedita M M

Dr. Gouri Priya Rajeev