
Meet Our Team

Dr. Umakant N Patil
Professor & HOD

Dr. Dharmaraj B

Dr. Deepa Patil
Assistant Professor

Dr. Mohan Kumar S

Dr. Tejashree T

Mr. Venkataramana Yella
About Department
With the aim to bestow quality medical education to the learners, the Department of Pharmacology was established in 2002 under the able leadership of senior and experienced faculty. The department comprises of diligent enthusiastic senior faculty as well as young dynamic faculty, keen towards achieving excellence in teaching the subject so as to make better learned doctors.
The department is actively involved in competently designed innovative teaching, learning, evaluation and research activities as per the Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) curriculum for undergraduate students. It also provides drug information for the clinicians in hospital services and is actively conducting adverse drug reaction (ADR) monitoring in coordination with the clinical departments.
Academic activities
Micro teaching sessions for the young medical teachers are regularly done. Journal club meetings once in 15 days to update the knowledge, discuss regarding new drugs are conducted. Medical quiz in the pharmacology and seminars by the students are also planned.
Research room
The research lab is well equipped with instruments like Rotarod, Pole climbing apparatus, Analgesiometer, Photoactometer, Convulsimeter, Colorimeter, Histamine chamber etc
Equipped with about 350 drug samples arranged system wise. Different drug formulations are also displayed. Fifty four figures and specimens of herbal plants are also present. Charts depicting common drug reactions are also displayed. Twenty two pictures of scientists involved in the progress and development of medicine and allied subjects are displayed in the section of history of medicine. These will be a source of inspiration for the young medical students. Catalogs containing information regarding the drugs and the specimens displayed in the museum are made available.
Laboratory Facilities
There is enough equipment for conducting practical’s in clinical pharmacology, simulated animal experiments are by computer assisted learning. Students are given training in writing prescription to common diseases and also trained in problem based learning in clinical case studies. By the end of the course, the students will be able to understand the basic concept of drug action, adverse drug reactions and rational prescribing.
Demonstration in animals (computer assisted simulations) are done to show the effect of some drugs like muscle relaxants, sedative-hypnotics, analgesics, local anesthetics by using apparatus like Rotarod, Photoactometer, Analgesiometer, Convulsimeter etc.
Umakant N Patil, Kirann L J.A combination strategy of Ceftriaxone, Sulbactam and Disodium edetate for the treatment of multi drug resistant (MDR) septicemia: A retrospective, observational study in an indian tertiary care hospital. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic ResearchNov 2015; vol9(11): FC29 – FC32.
Kiran L J. Umakant N Patil, Shivashankarmurthy K G, Vinodkumar C S. Assessment of localanaesthetic activity of lignocaine by simultaneous administration of potassium channel agonist nicorandil in albino rats. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology2012; 3(1): 67-72.
Vinodkumar C S, Umakant N Patil, Kalapanavar N K, Basavarajappa K G.Emerging trends of candidemia and antifungal susceptibility in a tertiary neonatal intensive care units. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2011; 2(4): 191-4.
Kiran L J, Umakant N Patil, Shivashankaramurthy.K G, Chetankumar S, Apoorva B M. Antibiotic Prophylaxisand Surgical Site Infections in Hernia Patients–An Observational Study in a private & government Tertiary Care Hospital. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2015;4(2): 1435-1441.
Chetankumr S, Sathisha Aithal, Umakant N Patil, Geetha S. Affinity of granisetron for glutamate N-methyl-D-asperate receptor to evaluate antidepressant activity by in silico approach. J Pub Health MedRes 2014; 2(1): 8-10.
Vinodkumar C S, Kalapanavar N K, Umakant N Patil, Basavarajappa K G. Change in spectrum of microbial etiology in relation to gestational age, birth weight and emergence of SBL in tertiary neonatal intensive care units. International Journal of Biological and Medical Research 2011;2(3): 727-34.
Shivanand Reddy KV, Balaji J, Umakant N Patil. Antinociceptive activity of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in albino rats. International Medical Journal of Students Research 2011;1(1):36-41.
Vinodkumar C S, H Srinivasa, K G Basavarajappa, Umakant N Patil, Nitin Bandekar, Rajashri Patil. Abrogation of Staphylococcus aurous wound infection by bacteriophage in diabetic rats. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research 2011; 3(3): 202-7.
Harish Kumar V S, Dhwajani S, Dharmaveer Gujjar, Umakant N Patil, Vinodkumar C S.Effect of rosuvastatin as an anti-inflammatory agent in albino rats. Asian journal of pharmaceuticals and clinical research 2011; 4(2): 74-6.
Harish Kumar V S, Sindhu N R, Rajashree Patil, Umakant N Patil. Anti-hyperglycemic activity of Simvastatin alone (therapeutic dose) and combination of Simvastatin and Glipizide (Sub- therapeutic doses) on alloxan induced hyperglycemia in albino rats. International Journal of Pharmacutical Sciences and research2012; Vol. 3(11): 4398-4403.
Harish Kumar V S, Vinutha B, Pradeep A N, Sathisha Aithal, Sindhura Reddy Baleed,Umakant N Patil. Bromocriptine, a Dopamine (D2) Receptor agonist, used aloneand in combination with Glipizide in sub-therapeutic doses to ameliorated hyperglycaemia. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2013 Sept; Vol 7 (9): 1904-1907.
Sathisha Aithal, UshaRani D, Sangita G Kamat, Varun. H V, Umakant.N.Patil.PrescribingPatterns in Dengue Fever in Patients in a tertiary Care Hospital: A Retrospective CrossSectional Study. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res 24(2), Jan–Feb 2014; no 19: 112-118.
Varun HV, UshaRani D, Sangita G Kamat, Sathisha Aithal, Umakant N Patil. Prescribing Patterns of Analgesics in Surgical Department in a tertiary Care Hospital.RRJo P(2014):9-16© STnals 2014
Sangita G Kamat, Varun H V, UshaRani D, Sathisha Aithal, Umakant N Patil. Prescribing Patterns of Antimicrobials in Surgical Department in a tertiary Care Hospital in South India. IJPSR 2014; Vol .5(3): 1051-1058.
Apoorva B M, Kiran L J, Divya Bade, Deepa Patil, Umakant N Patil. A questionnaire based survey on the knowledge, attitude and practices about antibiotic usage and resistance among the second year medical students of a teaching tertiary care Hospital. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2016; Vol 5, issue 4: 803-809.
Deepa Patil, Raghuprasada M S, Geeta S, Umakant N Patil. Evaluation of awareness of knowledge, attitude and practices of nursing students on monitoring and reporting of adverse drug reactions in a tertiary care hospital. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2015; Vol 4, Issue 05: 1361-1371.
Raghuprasada M S, Shashikala G, Hanumanthappa Reddy, Ravindra K, Shankar A S, Deepa Patil, Umakant N Patil. Comparison of Topical Anti- Fungal Agents Sertaconazole and Clotrimazole in the Treatment of Tinea Corporis-An Observational Stud. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research2014 Sep; Vol-8(9): HC09-HC12
Dharmaraj B, Srivastava RK , Rajeev Sen, Veena G, Sushila Influence of Liraglutide alone and in combination with Glimepiride on hepatic function in obese-diabetic rabbits. The Pharma Innovation Journal 2013; 2(7): 45-51.
Dharmaraj B, Srivastava RK, Veena G. Influence of Liraglutide alone and in combination with Glimepiride on body weight in obese-diabetic rabbits. The Pharma Innovation Journal 2013; 2(7): 52-57.
Ambrish Sharma, Manjunath SM, Nagesh Raju G, Dharmaraj B, Nagendra Gowda MR. A comparative study of efficacy and safety of Flupirtine versus Piroxicam in patients with low back pain. Int J Res Med Sci 2015;3(9):2337-41.
Manjunath SM, Nagesh Raju G, Dharmaraj B, Shrish Patil. A comparative study of the learning styles among 1st, 2nd and final MBBS medical students. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2016;5(6):2341-4.
Nagesh Raju G, Manjunath SM, Dharmaraj B.A cross-sectional study on the practice of self-medication among medical and dental students. Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2016;3(4):165-8.
Ambrish S, Nagesh Raju G, Dharmaraj B, Nagendra Gowda M R. A Comparitive study of efficacy of Thiocolchicoside with Diclofenac vs Eperisone with Diclofenac in patients with back pain. Int J Surg Orthopedics 2017;3(1):1-5
Dharmaraj B, Prashanth G, Basavaraj S. The comparison of the efficacy of two fixed dose combinations, i.e. Salmeterol and Fluticasone vs. Formoterol and Tiotropium bromide in moderate to severe COPD patients.Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2018;7(7):1351-6.
Dharmaraj B, Abhijith L M, Jagadeesh K, Basavaraj S.Comparison of safety pattern of drugs used in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in a tertiary care hospital. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2019;8(9):2060-3.
Dharmaraj B. A brief review on newer Glucagon like Peptide-1 analogues. Int J Preclin Clin Res 2020;1(1):26-34.
Patil D, Raghuprasada M S, Geetha S, Patil U N. Evaluation of awareness of knowledge, attitude and practices of nursing students on monitoring and reporting of adverse drug reactions in a tertiary care hospital. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2015;4(15):1361-71
Raghu prasada M S, Patil D, Vishwanath B M, Shankar A S, Patil U N, Sharankumar H. Pattern of drug utilization and factors influencing long term blood sugar control among diabetics in a tertiary care hospital-an observational study. International Journal of Basic and Clinical Practice2017;6(5):1171-74
Raghu prasada M S, Shasikala H R, Kallappa R, Shankar A S, Patil D, Patil U N. comparison of Topical Anti-fungal agents Sertaconazole and Clotrimazole in the treatment of Tinea corporis – An Observational study. Journal of Clinicaland Diagnostic Research2014;8(9):9-12.
Raghuprasada M S, Patil D, Shankar A S, Kiran L J, Shivashankar M, Harish Kumar V S. Pattern of drug utilization and factors influencing long term blood pressure control among hypertensives in a tertiary care hospital-an observational study. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2020;9(7):2413-19.
Venkatramana Yella and Asha PDass.Effect of ethanolic extract of Fragaria Vesca on serum glucose levels and body weight in diet induced obese rats. International Journal of Pharmacological Research 2015; volume 5 issue 10.
Gajendra Naidu J, Madhavi E, Venugopala Rao Konda, Venkataramana Y,Rajeshwaramma G. Comparative study of anti-inflammatory activity of newer macrolides with Etoricoxib. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; vol. 3, issue 10, march 10: 2413-2419, doi: 10.14260/jemds/2014/2153
Madhavi Eerike, Ruckmani Arunachalam, Venkataramana Y, Venugopala Rao Konda, Prasanth CharyR. Evaluation of hypolipidemic activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Fragaria Vesca in high fat diet induced hyperlipidemia in rats. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res 2014; 28(2): 191-196.
Venugopala Rao Konda, Madhavi Eerike, RPrasanth Chary, Ruckmani Arunachalam,Venkataramana Y,Vinayak Meti, TSobita Devi. Effect of Aluminum Chloride on blood glucose level and lipid profile in normal, diabetic and treated diabetic rats, Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2017; volume 49, issue 5.