Healthy body is one of the pre-requisites for overall personality development of students in an educational institution. Our Management, SJM Vidyapeetha, Shree Murugha Mata has magnanimously provided all facilities and thus created environment conductive for the development of sound body in SJM BMCH Campus.
Inspired by Olympic statement “the most important thing in sports is not to win but to take part, just as most important things in life is not the triumph but the struggle.” and the advice of the Secretary Sri. Paramashivayya M. J. & the encouragement of our Principal Dr. Prashanth G.
Physical fitness constitutes the vital part of the total fitness, i.e. intellectual, social, spiritual, and physical components. Good physical fitness is an indispensable component of overall wellbeing among the population of every civilized society.
Positive & Attitude, Self-Confidence and Motivation are key success. Students have performed well and emerged victorious in many competitions conducted by RGUHS Belgaum Zone, Inter Zone, State Level and Open Tournaments. Dr. Abhaya Prakash C. Physical Education Director, heads of the department.
Our institute has 200 mts track with six lanes non standard track, one concrete court of Basketball, two volleyball courts, two throw ball courts, two cricket grounds, two football fields, two hockey fields, two kho-kho courts & a tennis court (Clay).
Outdoor Facilities
One badminton court, table tennis, board facilities to play chess and carom, well equipped gymnasium.
Indoor Facilities
Our Students participated on RGUHS Belgaum Zone Inter Collegiate Basketball (Men), tournament will be held at Our College from 19th to 21st September 2019. So in this tournament our team got First position.
Our Students participated on RGUHS Inter Zone Basketball (Men), tournament will be held at Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore. From 24th to 26th September 2019. So in this tournament our team got Second position.
Our Students participated on RGUHS Belgaum Zone Inter Collegiate Throw ball (Men & Women), Tennikoit (Women) tournament will be held at College of Dental Sciences, Davanagere. From 25th and 26th September 2019. In this tournament Throw Ball boys team Winners and Tenni koit Girls Runners.
Our Students participated on RGUHS Belgaum Zone Inter Collegiate Cricket (Men) tournament will be held at SDM College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad. From 27th to 30th September 2019. They lost on 3rd quarter final match against SDMCDS, Dharwad.
Our Students participated on RGUHS 20th Inter Collegiate Athletics (Men & Women) Championship will be held at Alva’s Education Foundation, Moodbidri-574227, from 12th to 14th November 2019.
BMCH Organizing the RGUHS Belgaum Zone inter collegiate Basketball Tournament (Men) Tournament-2019.
BMCH Organizing the RGUHS Inter Zone Throw ball Tournament (Men & Women) Tournament-2020.
BMCH Students team had participated in the following RGUHS Belgaum Zone, Inter Zone, South Zone and State Level Tournaments
He has been nominated as Member of the University Selection Committee to select the University Athletics (Men & Women) team to participate in All India Inter University Athletics (Men & Women) Championship for the year 2019-20. Selection trails in Athletics (Men & Women) will be held at Alva’s Education Foundation, Moodbidri-574227, from 12th to 14th November 2019.
He has selected to Coach the RGUHS Athletics (Men & Women) teams to All India Inter University Athletics (Men & Women) Championship-2019-20. Held at Alva’s Education Foundation, Moodbidri-574227, and Karnataka from 2nd to 6th January 2020.
The Physical Education Director was nominated by RGUHS for the following responsible positions.
I am proud to say that our institute stands one among the best colleges in RGUHS Sports Activities. I must thank our President, I am extremely grateful to our beloved Secretary M.J. Paramashivaiah. And the Dean Dr. Prashanth G. HOD’s and all the Teaching and non –Teaching staff Members for their continued support and their nobility in pampering our college with all the sports variety. For their constant encouragement and support to conduct the above activities. The department also express heartfelt thanks to all those who are directly or indirectly contributing towards the sports activities. BMCH this year has seen new heights in the field of sports. We have always strived to reach the top and we assure you that we will put in our best foot forward to do the same in the future as well.
Thank you,

Physical Education Director
Dr. Abhaya Prakash. C
M.P.Ed., N.I.S in Athletics., Ph.D.
Physical Education Director
Basaveshwara Medical College & Hospital,
Chitradurga-577502, Karnataka.
Ph: 9844777952
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